Multiple Best In Show Winning

Born: 6 September 2009
This handsome gentleman was from Shiloh's second litter. Marcus' pedigree combines some of our favourite top-winning and producing Border Collies of modern times. We are additionally blessed that his pedigree includes within it some of our original Tullaview lines. During his time in the ring, he enjoyed many memorable moments, including Best In Show (Specialty & Semi-Specialty), Multiple Best In Group & Runner Up In Group (All Breeds) and many Specialty Show Challenge and Reserve Challenge accolades under breed specialist judges. Marcus' Border Collie National record speaks highly to the breed attributes he possessed, never being awarded worse than 2nd place in the three Australian Nationals he attended. For 14 years he was a constant companion and a huge part of our family, and it is with a heavy heart that we had to say goodbye to him towards the end of 2023.
Marcus started his show career as a baby puppy in December 2009, and in his later years made select appearances at only a handful of shows each year. Nonetheless, our special man's show-ring achievements include:
- Best In Specialty Show (NSW Southern Dist BC Club September 2015)
- Runner Up Best In Specialty Show (BCCNSW April 2013)
- Best In Show (Cattle, Kelpie, BC & GSD Club Semi-Specialty November 2012)
- Best In Show (Working Dog Club of NSW November 2013)
- Runner Up Best In Show (Cattle, Kelpie, BC & GSD Club Semi-Specialty November 2016)
- Multiple Best In Group & Runner Up Best In Group (All Breeds) awards
- 2nd Place Open Dog (3rd Australian Border Collie National, Victoria 2014) under John Ritchie (Dykebar BCs). Marcus also placed 3rd in Owner, Breeder & Handler Dog Sweepstakes
- Best Open In Show (4th Australian Border Collie National, Queensland 2016) at almost 7 years of age, under Judith Gregory (Tonkory BCs)
- 2nd Place Veteran Dog (5th Australian Border Collie National, NSW 2019) at 10 years old, under Heidi Poschacher (Borderline Country BCs)
- A further 6 x Reserve Dog Challenges at breed Specialties in NSW and Multiple Specialty Class In Show wins during his career
- Achieved his Herding Instinct Certificate in 2014
At 10 years of age, Marcus hung up his show lead for the final time after making one last appearance at the 5th Border Collie National in Sydney. However, his life did not change very much as he continued to sleep on the couch, throw his toys around the yard and generally be our much-loved companion for the remainder of his time with us. We are thrilled to have his daughter "Kirby" Sashdan It Takes A Village At Tullaview (AI) as part of our family, and we hope we will do you proud old man!

Critique from April 2013 BCCNSW judge, Mrs G Cook (Vic), reads: "A dog that captured my eye immediately he came into the ring. A dog of correct profile that is exactly what I am looking for in height/length ratio, size and balance. He has a firm and correct top line, tail carriage, bone and feet. He just floats around the ring as a Border Collie should. The only area that I would alter him slightly is his head. It is a little narrow for me needing a little more strength for a male and a little more stop. However it is a quality head and quite obviously of Border Collie type. Still a young dog and I am positive he will mature into something very special that in my eyes he is at the moment so he can only get better." Marcus was awarded Runner Up Best In Show!
Critique from the 3rd Border Collie National 2014 judge, Mr John Ritchie (Dykebar BCs), reads: "Another boy who scores for his correct type, size and substance - pleasing masculine head, flat skull, good stop, dark well shaped eye, good ears, moderate neck, pleasing front angles, solid body which is a tad longer than I like, excellent tail set and carriage, super hind angles with neat hocks, moved soundly and steadily out and back and showed a good side gait but not quite the extension nor drive of 1 - presented and shown to advantage - a quality Border." Marcus was 2nd in Open Dog!
Critique from the 4th Border Collie National 2016 judge, Mrs Judith Gregory (Tonory BCs), reads: "Won on sound movement round the ring. Moved round the ring very well, very masculine & up standing, glorious coat, presented to perfection. Oval brown eye, very good shoulder & upper arm, strong bone, very well balanced in body, good hind angulation with good tail set and carriage, showed in movement." Marcus was awarded Best Open In Show!
Critique from the October 2017 BCCNSW judge, Mrs Samantha Taylor (Etherial BCs), reads: "Eight year old male, balanced head would prefer a darker eye, good length of neck into well angled forequarters, firm topline which was held on the move and balanced well angulated rear with correct slope to croup and well set and carried tail, covered the ground soundly and with purpose." Marcus was awarded Reserve Dog Challenge!
Critique from the 5th Border Collie National 2019 judge, Mrs Heidi Poschacher (Borderline Country BCs), reads: "Wonderful on the stack, beautiful example of the breed, just wish a bit less rounded skull, wonderful gait, beautiful outline and angles and presentation." Marcus was 2nd in Veteran Dog!